Raymund family events

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Event chain starts after hiring April Raymund as a teacher. When principal finds her phone in teacher's room, he can hire private investigator to check further.

April Raymund

After private investigation on April finishes event can trigger in principal's office where principal can invite April and talk with her about Sherilyn attending school.

April will ask principal to pay 200 dollars to open religious studies club in chuch.

If April is running Religion classes at school, next event in chain will trigger.

Sherilyn Ambrose

  1. Get Sherilyn as student in school in April events.
  2. Random event. Find Sherilyn and Sarah Lovegood in Cafeteria.
  3. Random event. Find Sherilyn and Sarah Lovegood on Saturday afternoon in Shopping Mall. If event fails, guest line goes backwards and player has to get two events in Cafeteria. Pricipal can follow Sherilyn or Sarah during their visit to the shop. Following wrong girl will reset the quest back to Cafeteria events.
  4. Random event. Find Sherilyn in Red Corner.

Jerimiah Sanderson

Once principal learns about about April having problems with students in religion classes, principal can talk to Jerimiah in church and ask him to help April.

Max Raymund

Principal can talk to Max at Church after April's private investigation finishes.

Next talk with Max can happen after talking with April in office to reduce cooldown on April chain progress.

At the time of writing this wiki Max events end there, but interactions with him will be limited without removing HasQuest flag on his character.